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He hires Sun Woo, a talented patisserie who had a crush on Jin Hyuk back in high school. So he sets up a cake shop where women are sure to come. Stephanie Note: Gah, he might just be a side character but he really is the heart of this drama, check it out.Īs an heir to the family fortune, Jin Hyuk has money, the looks, the charm, everything except finding the love of his life.

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As the timeline moves back and forth between their past as 18-year-old high schoolers in 1997 and their present as 33-year-olds at their high school reunion dinner in 2012, where one couple will announce that they’re getting married. Set in the 1990’s, the drama centers around a female high school student Shi Won, who idolizes boyband H.O.T and her 5 high school friends in Busan. My stomach is fluttering with butterflies because of my manager nowadays. Stephanie Note: Eh, seems more of a chance for a couple of boom boom jiggity scenes.Īm I The Only One With Butterflies? (2018) They have contrasting viewpoint when it comes to politics, however, the two are discreetly having a homosexual affair.

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His secret yearning is dedicated to a young scholar in his commission. On a rainy day during the Joseon Dynasty, a chancellor casually recites a poem of solitude. A secret relationship between two Korean government employees is complicated by the difference in the men’s ranks.

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